Saturday, June 21, 2008

Alternative Weigh-in

We had to take GA (georgia) to the vet yesterday.
Symptoms: weak, lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, weird lumps and bumps had been developing all over, coughing, etc.

My diagnosis: cancer of the throat, congestive heart failure, fluid in her cancer ridden lungs and pancreatis.

At the Vet: she had a fever, her heart and lungs sounded fine. He was going to let it go as just an infection and treat her with antibiotics. Oh no...I knew she was much more ill than that. I wanted blood work done. Blood work was done and revealed that she had an infection... guess I'm just an over-reacting "mother".

Back to the weigh-in part - the scales at the vet are so cool that I decided to weigh in. (we quit paying for WW...too expensive and we think we can continue on our own) Anyways, I'm down to 165! I wonder if I could start bring my weigh-in card to the vet each week and have them mark it for me???

Oh, BTW, GA started feeling better after just one dose of the antibiotics and pain meds...she's barking loud and shriller than ever! Yea!